Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Question Prompt for Reading Response #1

In what ways do Hogg and Black demonstrate the features of the form Ballenger talks about on p. 94? Be sure to give specific examples. In what ways do they differ from his description? Finally: what do you think is the controlling idea (the “so what”) of Hogg’s and Black’s essays?

Feel free to deviate from this structure--it isn't a rigid formula, just something to get you thinking along productive lines for your response. However you choose to structure your post, though, I do want you to make connections between Ballenger and the two essays we're reading for Wednesday. That said, you can decide how much time you want to spend with each text.

Please email me this week (or over the weekend) if you have any questions or concerns about assignments, due dates, etc. I'm happy to help.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Schat...i dont know if this is what Im suppose to do...i guess i just have to send you this comment...right?...

Mary Katherine said...

My name is Mary Katherine M. Course number 10803.061 and my blog address is

Caitlin said...

This is Caitlin Mayes. my blog address is
Thanks :)